How to Use a Crane Correctly and Keep your Worksite Safe

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Crane rental service is beneficial but risky too if not used correctly. People often ignore safety concerns and depend completely on the rental company. It’s good to trust your service provider, but you should be careful as well. You should take precautions both before and during the use of the crane on your worksite. Safety precautions will not only keep you and your workers safe but help your project run at an efficient pace.


What should you do?


Operators should be licensed

Generally, crane rental service providers work with licensed operators. But, still, you should check and verify the certificate and license of the operator. If the operator is not licensed and something happens on your worksite, you might fall into legal problems. Also, the thing is that an unlicensed operator may not know how to use the crane properly, leading to crane accidents and injuries.


Wear the right attire

You, the operator, and everyone around the crane should wear the right attire. People assume the right attire is only for the operator, but it’s for everyone on the worksite. The right attire when working with a crane includes hard hats, eye protection, gloves, protective footwear, ear protection, and reflective vests.


Get pre-inspection done

The crane rental service provider sends the best crane with a licensed operator. The crane is well-inspected before it comes to the worksite. But, if you want to ensure complete safety, you should inspect the load, work area, and equipment before the crane begins operation. Make sure everything is in proper working condition. The surface should be leveled and you shouldn’t overload the crane.


No distractions during operations

Everyone, including the crane operator, should be on alert mode during crane operations. One of the major sources of distraction is mobile phones, so they should be turned off. If you or anyone on the worksite notices a potential distraction, attempt to reduce it before operators use the crane.


Balance and secure the crane’s load

One of the major safety concerns on the worksite is the imbalance crane’s load. If the load is not properly balanced, it is likely to fall. So, before the crane lifts the load, your crew members should prepare its load. You should balance the crane properly. Don’t forget to check the crane’s hook; it shouldn’t be worn down.


Keep an eye on the suspended load

The work isn’t over after the load is suspended in the air; your crew member should keep an eye on the suspended load to stay safe during the lift. Make sure no one walks under the load and the operator doesn’t swing the load over people. The operator should pay attention to where the load is going.


Remove the load safely

When the load reaches its destination, your crew members should secure and remove it safely. You shouldn’t rush to empty the load and make more trips in less time to finish the work quickly. After the work is done, you should store the stabilizers, attachments, and winches in a safe location.


With these simple steps, you can use the crane correctly and keep your worksite safe.

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